Nationality: American
On the front line: since 1979
Activities: inter alia: solo act The HATERS; member of Survival Research Laboratories; writer and multi-media artist.

My ‘date’ receives anonymous 6 compositions picked by me at random. He/She is supposed to discuss their artistic merits, including strengths and weaknesses of applied means of bruitist expression, structure and composing techniques.

1. Hermann NITSCH Musik In 2 Sätzen Für Rita Nitsch Geburtstag (Auszug)
from “Musik Der 60. Aktion / Musik In 2 Saetzen Fuer Rita Nitsch Geburtstag” (Alga Marghen 1996) CD

The impact against a bell, chime, or gong is never as interesting as the residue left behind by the strike. If only someone would seamlessly remove those blows and just keep the quivers between.

2. Ryoji IKEDA 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
from “Matrix” (Touch 2000) 2 x CD

This would make for a really great alternative soundtrack to Gelsen Gas’ film Anticlimax. Personally, I think the sounds match the images & edits quite nicely.

3. MAEROR TRI (Mind) – Expansion
from “Mort Aux Vaches” (Staalplaat 1997) CD

This is an interesting journey. One that surveys what seems to be chances full of hospitable urban talismans. This would make for some great late night listening.

4. FâLX çèrêbRi Female Orgasm
from “Rite 64” (Graf Haufen Tapes 1984) cassette

This one reminds me of my time in old SF. When I first moved to San Francisco in 1988, I actually kept to myself quite a lot. I needed time to think. Most nights of the week I actually just hung out by myself, ridding the BART trains up and down the line for hours at end. It was fun. There was something kind of comforting about pressing my thoughts up against the rather loud hissy clatter of that subway.

5. PRICK DECAY Terminal Need (Uncertain Collapse Mix)
from “Guidelines For Basement Non-Fidel / Mic Gravy For Freek” (Starlight Furniture Co. 2001) 2 x CD-R

During the late 1970s and early 80s, no self-respecting punk band from the pacific-northwest would be caught dead without a saxophone player in the lineup. It was also around this same time and place, you couldn’t find an industrial band without at least one telephone operator in their ranks.

6. TOMBOUCTOU Soirée Chez Les Songhais

I think you should only listen to this recording when you’re alone, during a cold snowy blizzardy winter night, with the lights off. That would be interesting.

Blind Date #4

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